import { Observable } from '../Observable'; import { EmptyError } from '../util/EmptyError'; import { MonoTypeOperatorFunction, OperatorFunction, TruthyTypesOf } from '../types'; import { SequenceError } from '../util/SequenceError'; import { NotFoundError } from '../util/NotFoundError'; import { operate } from '../util/lift'; import { createOperatorSubscriber } from './OperatorSubscriber'; export function single(predicate: BooleanConstructor): OperatorFunction>; export function single(predicate?: (value: T, index: number, source: Observable) => boolean): MonoTypeOperatorFunction; /** * Returns an observable that asserts that only one value is * emitted from the observable that matches the predicate. If no * predicate is provided, then it will assert that the observable * only emits one value. * * In the event that the observable is empty, it will throw an * {@link EmptyError}. * * In the event that two values are found that match the predicate, * or when there are two values emitted and no predicate, it will * throw a {@link SequenceError} * * In the event that no values match the predicate, if one is provided, * it will throw a {@link NotFoundError} * * ## Example * * Expect only `name` beginning with `'B'` * * ```ts * import { of, single } from 'rxjs'; * * const source1 = of( * { name: 'Ben' }, * { name: 'Tracy' }, * { name: 'Laney' }, * { name: 'Lily' } * ); * * source1 * .pipe(single(x =>'B'))) * .subscribe(x => console.log(x)); * // Emits 'Ben' * * * const source2 = of( * { name: 'Ben' }, * { name: 'Tracy' }, * { name: 'Bradley' }, * { name: 'Lincoln' } * ); * * source2 * .pipe(single(x =>'B'))) * .subscribe({ error: err => console.error(err) }); * // Error emitted: SequenceError('Too many values match') * * * const source3 = of( * { name: 'Laney' }, * { name: 'Tracy' }, * { name: 'Lily' }, * { name: 'Lincoln' } * ); * * source3 * .pipe(single(x =>'B'))) * .subscribe({ error: err => console.error(err) }); * // Error emitted: NotFoundError('No values match') * ``` * * @see {@link first} * @see {@link find} * @see {@link findIndex} * @see {@link elementAt} * * @throws {NotFoundError} Delivers an NotFoundError to the Observer's `error` * callback if the Observable completes before any `next` notification was sent. * @throws {SequenceError} Delivers a SequenceError if more than one value is emitted that matches the * provided predicate. If no predicate is provided, will deliver a SequenceError if more * than one value comes from the source * @param {Function} predicate - A predicate function to evaluate items emitted by the source Observable. * @return A function that returns an Observable that emits the single item * emitted by the source Observable that matches the predicate. */ export function single(predicate?: (value: T, index: number, source: Observable) => boolean): MonoTypeOperatorFunction { return operate((source, subscriber) => { let hasValue = false; let singleValue: T; let seenValue = false; let index = 0; source.subscribe( createOperatorSubscriber( subscriber, (value) => { seenValue = true; if (!predicate || predicate(value, index++, source)) { hasValue && subscriber.error(new SequenceError('Too many matching values')); hasValue = true; singleValue = value; } }, () => { if (hasValue) {; subscriber.complete(); } else { subscriber.error(seenValue ? new NotFoundError('No matching values') : new EmptyError()); } } ) ); }); }