/// import type { __ApiPreviewProps } from '../api-utils'; import type { CustomRoutes } from '../../lib/load-custom-routes'; import type { FindComponentsResult } from '../next-server'; import type { LoadComponentsReturnType } from '../load-components'; import type { Options as ServerOptions } from '../next-server'; import type { Params } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'; import type { ParsedUrl } from '../../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-url'; import type { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'; import type { Server as HTTPServer } from 'http'; import type { UrlWithParsedQuery } from 'url'; import type { BaseNextRequest, BaseNextResponse } from '../base-http'; import type { RoutingItem } from '../base-server'; import Server from '../next-server'; import { NodeNextResponse, NodeNextRequest } from '../base-http/node'; export interface Options extends ServerOptions { /** * The HTTP Server that Next.js is running behind */ httpServer?: HTTPServer; /** * Tells of Next.js is running from the `next dev` command */ isNextDevCommand?: boolean; } export default class DevServer extends Server { private devReady; private setDevReady?; private webpackWatcher?; private hotReloader?; private isCustomServer; protected sortedRoutes?: string[]; private addedUpgradeListener; private pagesDir; private appDir?; private actualMiddlewareFile?; private middleware?; private edgeFunctions?; protected staticPathsWorker?: { [key: string]: any; } & { loadStaticPaths: typeof import('./static-paths-worker').loadStaticPaths; }; private getStaticPathsWorker; constructor(options: Options); protected getBuildId(): string; addExportPathMapRoutes(): Promise; startWatcher(): Promise; stopWatcher(): Promise; prepare(): Promise; protected close(): Promise; protected hasPage(pathname: string): Promise; protected _beforeCatchAllRender(req: BaseNextRequest, res: BaseNextResponse, params: Params, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery): Promise; private setupWebSocketHandler; runMiddleware(params: { request: BaseNextRequest; response: BaseNextResponse; parsedUrl: ParsedUrl; parsed: UrlWithParsedQuery; }): Promise; runEdgeFunction(params: { req: BaseNextRequest; res: BaseNextResponse; query: ParsedUrlQuery; params: Params | undefined; page: string; }): Promise; run(req: NodeNextRequest, res: NodeNextResponse, parsedUrl: UrlWithParsedQuery): Promise; private logErrorWithOriginalStack; protected getCustomRoutes(): CustomRoutes; private _devCachedPreviewProps; protected getPreviewProps(): __ApiPreviewProps; protected getPagesManifest(): undefined; protected getAppPathsManifest(): undefined; protected getMiddleware(): RoutingItem | undefined; protected getEdgeFunctions(): RoutingItem[]; protected getServerComponentManifest(): undefined; protected hasMiddleware(): Promise; protected ensureMiddleware(): Promise; protected ensureEdgeFunction(pathname: string): Promise; generateRoutes(): { headers: import("../router").Route[]; rewrites: { beforeFiles: import("../router").Route[]; afterFiles: import("../router").Route[]; fallback: import("../router").Route[]; }; redirects: import("../router").Route[]; catchAllRoute: import("../router").Route; catchAllMiddleware: import("../router").Route[]; pageChecker: import("../router").PageChecker; useFileSystemPublicRoutes: boolean; dynamicRoutes: import("../router").DynamicRoutes | undefined; nextConfig: import("../config-shared").NextConfig; fsRoutes: import("../router").Route[]; }; protected generatePublicRoutes(): never[]; protected getDynamicRoutes(): never[]; _filterAmpDevelopmentScript(html: string, event: { line: number; col: number; code: string; }): boolean; protected getStaticPaths(pathname: string): Promise<{ staticPaths: string[] | undefined; fallbackMode: false | 'static' | 'blocking'; }>; protected ensureApiPage(pathname: string): Promise; protected findPageComponents(pathname: string, query?: ParsedUrlQuery, params?: Params | null, isAppDir?: boolean): Promise; protected getFallbackErrorComponents(): Promise; protected setImmutableAssetCacheControl(res: BaseNextResponse): void; private servePublic; hasPublicFile(path: string): Promise; getCompilationError(page: string): Promise; protected isServeableUrl(untrustedFileUrl: string): boolean; }