import { sameValueZeroEqual } from 'fast-equals'; import microMemoize from 'micro-memoize'; import moize, { Moized } from '../src/index'; const foo = 'foo'; const bar = 'bar'; const baz = 'baz'; const _default = 'default'; const method = jest.fn(function (one: string, two: string) { return { one, two }; }); const methodDefaulted = jest.fn(function (one: string, two = _default) { return { one, two }; }); const memoized = moize.infinite(method); const memoizedDefaulted = moize.infinite(methodDefaulted); describe('moize', () => { afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); memoized.clear(); memoized.clearStats(); memoizedDefaulted.clear(); memoizedDefaulted.clearStats(); moize.collectStats(false); }); describe('main', () => { it('should handle a standard use-case', () => { const result = memoized(foo, bar); expect(result).toEqual({ one: foo, two: bar }); expect(method).toHaveBeenCalled(); method.mockClear(); let newResult; for (let index = 0; index < 10; index++) { newResult = memoized(foo, bar); expect(newResult).toEqual({ one: foo, two: bar }); expect(method).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }); it('should handle default parameters', () => { const result = memoizedDefaulted(foo); expect(result).toEqual({ one: foo, two: _default }); expect(methodDefaulted).toHaveBeenCalled(); methodDefaulted.mockClear(); let newResult; for (let index = 0; index < 10; index++) { newResult = memoizedDefaulted(foo); expect(newResult).toEqual({ one: foo, two: _default }); expect(methodDefaulted).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } }); it('should handle a curried call of options creation', () => { const moizer = moize({ isSerialized: true })({ maxSize: 5 })({ maxAge: 1000, }); expect(moizer).toBeInstanceOf(Function); const moized = moizer(jest.fn()); expect(moized.options).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ isSerialized: true, maxAge: 1000, maxSize: 5, }) ); }); it('should handle moizing an already-moized function with additional options', () => { const moized = moize(memoized, { maxSize: 5 }); expect(moized.originalFunction).toBe(memoized.originalFunction); expect(moized.options).toEqual({ ...memoized.options, maxSize: 5, }); }); }); describe('cache manipulation', () => { it('should add an entry to cache if it does not exist', () => { memoized(foo, bar); const value = 'something else'; memoized.set([bar, foo], value); expect(memoized.cacheSnapshot).toEqual({ keys: [ [bar, foo], [foo, bar], ], size: 2, values: [value, { one: foo, two: bar }], }); }); it('should add an entry to cache and remove the oldest one', () => { const singleMemoized = moize(method); singleMemoized(foo, bar); const value = 'something else'; singleMemoized.set([bar, foo], value); expect(singleMemoized.cacheSnapshot).toEqual({ keys: [[bar, foo]], size: 1, values: [value], }); }); it('should notify of cache manipulation when adding', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const let withNotifiers: Moized; const onCacheOperation = jest.fn(function (cache, options, moized) { expect(cache).toBe(withNotifiers.cache); expect(options).toBe(withNotifiers.options); expect(moized).toBe(withNotifiers); }); withNotifiers = moize(memoized, { onCacheAdd: onCacheOperation, onCacheChange: onCacheOperation, }); withNotifiers(foo, bar); const value = 'something else'; withNotifiers.set([bar, foo], value); expect(withNotifiers.cacheSnapshot).toEqual({ keys: [ [bar, foo], [foo, bar], ], size: 2, values: [value, { one: foo, two: bar }], }); expect(withNotifiers.options.onCacheAdd).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(withNotifiers.options.onCacheChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should update an entry to cache if it exists', () => { memoized(foo, bar); const value = 'something else'; memoized.set([foo, bar], value); expect(memoized.cacheSnapshot).toEqual({ keys: [[foo, bar]], size: 1, values: [value], }); }); it('should order the cache by LRU when updating', () => { memoized(foo, bar); memoized(bar, foo); expect(memoized.cacheSnapshot).toEqual({ keys: [ [bar, foo], [foo, bar], ], size: 2, values: [ { one: bar, two: foo }, { one: foo, two: bar }, ], }); const value = 'something else'; memoized.set([foo, bar], value); expect(memoized.cacheSnapshot).toEqual({ keys: [ [foo, bar], [bar, foo], ], size: 2, values: [value, { one: bar, two: foo }], }); }); it('should notify of cache manipulation when updating', () => { const withNotifiers = moize(memoized, { onCacheChange: jest.fn(function (cache, options, moized) { expect(cache).toBe(withNotifiers.cache); expect(options).toBe(withNotifiers.options); expect(moized).toBe(withNotifiers); }), }); withNotifiers(foo, bar); const value = 'something else'; withNotifiers.set([foo, bar], value); expect(withNotifiers.cacheSnapshot).toEqual({ keys: [[foo, bar]], size: 1, values: [value], }); expect(withNotifiers.options.onCacheChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should get the entry in cache if it exists', () => { const result = memoized(foo, bar); expect(memoized.get([foo, bar])).toBe(result); expect(memoized.get([bar, foo])).toBe(undefined); }); it('should correctly identify the entry in cache if it exists', () => { memoized(foo, bar); expect(memoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(true); expect(memoized.has([bar, foo])).toBe(false); }); it('should remove the entry in cache if it exists', () => { memoized(foo, bar); expect(memoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(true); const result = memoized.remove([foo, bar]); expect(memoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(false); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it('should not remove the entry in cache if does not exist', () => { memoized(foo, bar); expect(memoized.has([bar, foo])).toBe(false); const result = memoized.remove([bar, foo]); expect(memoized.has([bar, foo])).toBe(false); expect(memoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(true); expect(result).toBe(false); }); it('should notify of cache change on removal and clear the expiration', () => { const expiringMemoized = moize(method, { maxAge: 2000, onCacheChange: jest.fn(), }); expiringMemoized(foo, bar); expect(expiringMemoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(true); expect(expiringMemoized.expirations.length).toBe(1); const result = expiringMemoized.remove([foo, bar]); expect(expiringMemoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(false); expect(result).toBe(true); expect(expiringMemoized.options.onCacheChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expiringMemoized.cache, expiringMemoized.options, expiringMemoized ); expect(expiringMemoized.expirations.length).toBe(0); }); it('should clear the cache', () => { memoized(foo, bar); memoized(bar, baz); expect(memoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(true); expect(memoized.has([bar, baz])).toBe(true); const result = memoized.clear(); expect(memoized.cache.size).toBe(0); expect(memoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(false); expect(memoized.has([bar, baz])).toBe(false); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it('should notify of the cache change on clear', () => { const changeMemoized = moize(method, { onCacheChange: jest.fn(), }); changeMemoized(foo, bar); expect(changeMemoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(true); const result = changeMemoized.clear(); expect(memoized.cache.size).toBe(0); expect(changeMemoized.has([foo, bar])).toBe(false); expect(result).toBe(true); expect(changeMemoized.options.onCacheChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith( changeMemoized.cache, changeMemoized.options, changeMemoized ); }); it('should have the keys and values from cache', () => { memoized(foo, bar); const cache = memoized.cacheSnapshot; expect(memoized.keys()).toEqual(cache.keys); expect(memoized.values()).toEqual(cache.values); }); it('should allow stats management of the method', () => { moize.collectStats(); const profiled = moize(memoized, { profileName: 'profiled' }); profiled(foo, bar); profiled(foo, bar); profiled(foo, bar); profiled(foo, bar); expect(profiled.getStats()).toEqual({ calls: 4, hits: 3, usage: '75.0000%', }); profiled.clearStats(); expect(profiled.getStats()).toEqual({ calls: 0, hits: 0, usage: '0.0000%', }); }); }); describe('properties', () => { it('should have the micro-memoize options', () => { const mmResult = microMemoize(method, { maxSize: Infinity }); const { isEqual, ...options } = memoized._microMemoizeOptions; const { isEqual: _isEqualIgnored, ...resultOptions } = mmResult.options; expect(options).toEqual(resultOptions); expect(isEqual).toBe(sameValueZeroEqual); }); it('should have cache and cacheSnapshot', () => { memoized(foo, bar); expect(memoized.cache).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ keys: [[foo, bar]], values: [{ one: foo, two: bar }], }) ); expect(memoized.cache.size).toBe(1); expect(memoized.cacheSnapshot).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ keys: [[foo, bar]], values: [{ one: foo, two: bar }], }) ); expect(memoized.cacheSnapshot.size).toBe(1); }); it('should have expirations and expirationsSnapshot', () => { const expiringMemoized = moize(method, { maxAge: 2000, }); expiringMemoized(foo, bar); expect(expiringMemoized.expirations).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ expirationMethod: expect.any(Function), key: [foo, bar], timeoutId: expect.any(Number), }), ]); expect(expiringMemoized.expirationsSnapshot).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ expirationMethod: expect.any(Function), key: [foo, bar], timeoutId: expect.any(Number), }), ]); }); it('should have the original function', () => { expect(memoized.originalFunction).toBe(method); }); }); });