# Changelog ## v.3.0.0 - 25 May, 2017 Breaking Changes - Drop support for Node.js < 4 - Removed support for hiredis completely Internals - Due to the changes to ES6 the error performance improved by factor 2-3x - Improved length calculation performance (bulk strings + arrays) Features - The parser now handles weird input graceful ## v.2.6.0 - 03 Apr, 2017 Internals - Use Buffer.allocUnsafe instead of new Buffer() with modern Node.js versions ## v.2.5.0 - 11 Mar, 2017 Features - Added a `ParserError` class to differentiate them to ReplyErrors. The class is also exported Bugfixes - All errors now show their error message again next to the error name in the stack trace - ParserErrors now show the offset and buffer attributes while being logged ## v.2.4.1 - 05 Feb, 2017 Bugfixes - Fixed minimal memory consumption overhead for chunked buffers ## v.2.4.0 - 25 Jan, 2017 Features - Added `reset` function to reset the parser to it's initial values - Added `setReturnBuffers` function to reset the returnBuffers option (Only for the JSParser) - Added `setStringNumbers` function to reset the stringNumbers option (Only for the JSParser) - All Errors are now of sub classes of the new `RedisError` class. It is also exported. - Improved bulk string chunked data handling performance Bugfixes - Parsing time for big nested arrays is now linear ## v.2.3.0 - 25 Nov, 2016 Features - Parsing time for big arrays (e.g. 4mb+) is now linear and works well for arbitrary array sizes This case is a magnitude faster than before OLD STR: * big array x 1.09 ops/sec ±2.15% (7 runs sampled) OLD BUF: * big array x 1.23 ops/sec ±2.67% (8 runs sampled) NEW STR: * big array x 273 ops/sec ±2.09% (85 runs sampled) NEW BUF: * big array x 259 ops/sec ±1.32% (85 runs sampled) (~10mb array with 1000 entries) ## v.2.2.0 - 18 Nov, 2016 Features - Improve `stringNumbers` parsing performance by up to 100% Bugfixes - Do not unref the interval anymore due to issues with NodeJS ## v.2.1.1 - 31 Oct, 2016 Bugfixes - Remove erroneously added const to support Node.js 0.10 ## v.2.1.0 - 30 Oct, 2016 Features - Improve parser errors by adding more detailed information to them - Accept manipulated Object.prototypes - Unref the interval if used ## v.2.0.4 - 21 Jul, 2016 Bugfixes - Fixed multi byte characters getting corrupted ## v.2.0.3 - 17 Jun, 2016 Bugfixes - Fixed parser not working with huge buffers (e.g. 300 MB) ## v.2.0.2 - 08 Jun, 2016 Bugfixes - Fixed parser with returnBuffers option returning corrupted data ## v.2.0.1 - 04 Jun, 2016 Bugfixes - Fixed multiple parsers working concurrently resulting in faulty data in some cases ## v.2.0.0 - 29 May, 2016 The javascript parser got completely rewritten by [Michael Diarmid](https://github.com/Salakar) and [Ruben Bridgewater](https://github.com/BridgeAR) and is now a lot faster than the hiredis parser. Therefore the hiredis parser was deprecated and should only be used for testing purposes and benchmarking comparison. All Errors returned by the parser are from now on of class ReplyError Features - Improved performance by up to 15x as fast as before - Improved options validation - Added ReplyError Class - Added parser benchmark - Switched default parser from hiredis to JS, no matter if hiredis is installed or not Removed - Deprecated hiredis support ## v.1.3.0 - 27 Mar, 2016 Features - Added `auto` as parser name option to check what parser is available - Non existing requested parsers falls back into auto mode instead of always choosing the JS parser ## v.1.2.0 - 27 Mar, 2016 Features - Added `stringNumbers` option to make sure all numbers are returned as string instead of a js number for precision - The parser is from now on going to print warnings if a parser is explicitly requested that does not exist and gracefully chooses the JS parser ## v.1.1.0 - 26 Jan, 2016 Features - The parser is from now on going to reset itself on protocol errors