'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const util = require('util'); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const colorette = require('colorette'); const getPortPlease = require('get-port-please'); const addShutdown = require('http-shutdown'); const defu = require('defu'); const childProcess = require('child_process'); const path = require('path'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e["default"] : e; } const http__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(http); const https__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(https); const os__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(os); const addShutdown__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(addShutdown); const defu__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(defu); const childProcess__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(childProcess); const { platform, arch } = process; const getWslDrivesMountPoint = (() => { const defaultMountPoint = "/mnt/"; let mountPoint; return async function() { if (mountPoint) { return mountPoint; } const configFilePath = "/etc/wsl.conf"; let isConfigFileExists = false; try { await fs.promises.access(configFilePath, fs.constants.F_OK); isConfigFileExists = true; } catch { } if (!isConfigFileExists) { return defaultMountPoint; } const configContent = await fs.promises.readFile(configFilePath, { encoding: "utf8" }); const configMountPoint = /(?.*)/g.exec(configContent); if (!configMountPoint) { return defaultMountPoint; } mountPoint = configMountPoint.groups.mountPoint.trim(); mountPoint = mountPoint.endsWith("/") ? mountPoint : `${mountPoint}/`; return mountPoint; }; })(); const pTryEach = async (array, mapper) => { let latestError; for (const item of array) { try { return await mapper(item); } catch (error) { latestError = error; } } throw latestError; }; const baseOpen = async (options) => { options = { wait: false, background: false, newInstance: false, allowNonzeroExitCode: false, ...options }; if (Array.isArray(options.app)) { return pTryEach(options.app, (singleApp) => baseOpen({ ...options, app: singleApp })); } let { name: app, arguments: appArguments = [] } = options.app || {}; appArguments = [...appArguments]; if (Array.isArray(app)) { return pTryEach(app, (appName) => baseOpen({ ...options, app: { name: appName, arguments: appArguments } })); } let command; const cliArguments = []; const childProcessOptions = {}; if (platform === "darwin") { command = "open"; if (options.wait) { cliArguments.push("--wait-apps"); } if (options.background) { cliArguments.push("--background"); } if (options.newInstance) { cliArguments.push("--new"); } if (app) { cliArguments.push("-a", app); } } else if (platform === "win32" || isWsl() ) { const mountPoint = await getWslDrivesMountPoint(); command = isWsl ? `${mountPoint}c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe` : `${process.env.SYSTEMROOT}\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell`; cliArguments.push("-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "\u2013ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-EncodedCommand"); if (!isWsl) { childProcessOptions.windowsVerbatimArguments = true; } const encodedArguments = ["Start"]; if (options.wait) { encodedArguments.push("-Wait"); } if (app) { encodedArguments.push(`"\`"${app}\`""`, "-ArgumentList"); if (options.target) { appArguments.unshift(options.target); } } else if (options.target) { encodedArguments.push(`"${options.target}"`); } if (appArguments.length > 0) { appArguments = appArguments.map((arg) => `"\`"${arg}\`""`); encodedArguments.push(appArguments.join(",")); } options.target = Buffer.from(encodedArguments.join(" "), "utf16le").toString("base64"); } else { if (app) { command = app; } else { command = "xdg-open"; const useSystemXdgOpen = process.versions.electron || platform === "android"; if (!useSystemXdgOpen) { command = path.join(os__default.tmpdir(), "xdg-open"); if (!fs.existsSync(command)) { try { fs.writeFileSync(path.join(os__default.tmpdir(), "xdg-open"), await import('./chunks/xdg-open.cjs').then((r) => r.xdgOpenScript()), "utf8"); fs.chmodSync(command, 493); } catch { command = "xdg-open"; } } } } if (appArguments.length > 0) { cliArguments.push(...appArguments); } if (!options.wait) { childProcessOptions.stdio = "ignore"; childProcessOptions.detached = true; } } if (options.target) { cliArguments.push(options.target); } if (platform === "darwin" && appArguments.length > 0) { cliArguments.push("--args", ...appArguments); } const subprocess = childProcess__default.spawn(command, cliArguments, childProcessOptions); if (options.wait) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { subprocess.once("error", reject); subprocess.once("close", (exitCode) => { if (options.allowNonzeroExitCode && exitCode > 0) { reject(new Error(`Exited with code ${exitCode}`)); return; } resolve(subprocess); }); }); } subprocess.unref(); return subprocess; }; const open = (target, options = {}) => { if (typeof target !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Expected a `target`"); } return baseOpen({ ...options, target }); }; const openApp = (name, options) => { if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Expected a `name`"); } const { arguments: appArguments = [] } = options || {}; if (appArguments !== void 0 && appArguments !== null && !Array.isArray(appArguments)) { throw new TypeError("Expected `appArguments` as Array type"); } return baseOpen({ ...options, app: { name, arguments: appArguments } }); }; function detectArchBinary(binary) { if (typeof binary === "string" || Array.isArray(binary)) { return binary; } const { [arch]: archBinary } = binary; if (!archBinary) { throw new Error(`${arch} is not supported`); } return archBinary; } function detectPlatformBinary({ [platform]: platformBinary }, { wsl }) { if (wsl && isWsl) { return detectArchBinary(wsl); } if (!platformBinary) { throw new Error(`${platform} is not supported`); } return detectArchBinary(platformBinary); } const apps = {}; defineLazyProperty(apps, "chrome", () => detectPlatformBinary({ darwin: "google chrome", win32: "chrome", linux: ["google-chrome", "google-chrome-stable", "chromium"] }, { wsl: { ia32: "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe", x64: ["/mnt/c/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe", "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"] } })); defineLazyProperty(apps, "firefox", () => detectPlatformBinary({ darwin: "firefox", win32: "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", linux: "firefox" }, { wsl: "/mnt/c/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe" })); defineLazyProperty(apps, "edge", () => detectPlatformBinary({ darwin: "microsoft edge", win32: "msedge", linux: ["microsoft-edge", "microsoft-edge-dev"] }, { wsl: "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe" })); open.apps = apps; open.openApp = openApp; function defineLazyProperty(object, propertyName, valueGetter) { const define = (value) => Object.defineProperty(object, propertyName, { value, enumerable: true, writable: true }); Object.defineProperty(object, propertyName, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { const result = valueGetter(); define(result); return result; }, set(value) { define(value); } }); return object; } function _isWsl() { if (process.platform !== "linux") { return false; } if (os__default.release().toLowerCase().includes("microsoft")) { if (isDocker()) { return false; } return true; } try { return fs.readFileSync("/proc/version", "utf8").toLowerCase().includes("microsoft") ? !isDocker() : false; } catch (_) { return false; } } let isWSLCached; function isWsl() { { isDockerCached = _isWsl(); } return isWSLCached; } function hasDockerEnv() { try { fs.statSync("/.dockerenv"); return true; } catch { return false; } } function hasDockerCGroup() { try { return fs.readFileSync("/proc/self/cgroup", "utf8").includes("docker"); } catch { return false; } } let isDockerCached; function isDocker() { if (isDockerCached === void 0) { isDockerCached = hasDockerEnv() || hasDockerCGroup(); } return isDockerCached; } async function listen(handle, opts = {}) { opts = defu__default(opts, { port: process.env.PORT || 3e3, hostname: process.env.HOST || "", showURL: true, baseURL: "/", open: false, clipboard: false, isTest: process.env.NODE_ENV === "test", isProd: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production", autoClose: true, selfsigned: { keySize: 2048 } }); if (opts.isTest) { opts.showURL = false; } if (opts.isProd || opts.isTest) { opts.open = false; opts.clipboard = false; } const port = await getPortPlease.getPort(opts.port); let server; let url; const isExternal = opts.hostname === ""; const displayHost = isExternal ? "localhost" : opts.hostname; if (opts.https) { const { key, cert } = opts.certificate ? await resolveCert(opts.certificate) : await getSelfSignedCert(opts.selfsigned); server = https__default.createServer({ key, cert }, handle); addShutdown__default(server); await util.promisify(server.listen.bind(server))(port, opts.hostname); url = `https://${displayHost}:${port}${opts.baseURL}`; } else { server = http__default.createServer(handle); addShutdown__default(server); await util.promisify(server.listen.bind(server))(port, opts.hostname); url = `http://${displayHost}:${port}${opts.baseURL}`; } let _closed = false; const close = () => { if (_closed) { return Promise.resolve(); } _closed = true; return util.promisify(server.shutdown)(); }; if (opts.clipboard) { const clipboardy = await import('clipboardy').then((r) => r.default || r); await clipboardy.write(url).catch(() => { opts.clipboard = false; }); } const showURL = () => { const add = opts.clipboard ? colorette.gray("(copied to clipboard)") : ""; const lines = []; lines.push(` > Local: ${formatURL(url)} ${add}`); if (isExternal) { for (const ip of getExternalIps()) { lines.push(` > Network: ${formatURL(url.replace("localhost", ip))}`); } } console.log("\n" + lines.join("\n") + "\n"); }; if (opts.showURL) { showURL(); } const _open = async () => { await open(url).catch(() => { }); }; if (opts.open) { await _open(); } if (opts.autoClose) { process.on("exit", () => close()); } return { url, server, open: _open, showURL, close }; } async function resolveCert(input) { const key = await fs.promises.readFile(input.key, "utf-8"); const cert = await fs.promises.readFile(input.cert, "utf-8"); return { key, cert }; } async function getSelfSignedCert(opts = {}) { const { generate } = await import('selfsigned'); const { private: key, cert } = await util.promisify(generate)(opts.attrs, opts); return { key, cert }; } function getExternalIps() { const ips = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const details of Object.values(os.networkInterfaces())) { if (details) { for (const d of details) { if (d.family === "IPv4" && !d.internal) { ips.add(d.address); } } } } return Array.from(ips); } function formatURL(url) { return colorette.cyan(colorette.underline(decodeURI(url).replace(/:(\d+)\//g, `:${colorette.bold("$1")}/`))); } exports.listen = listen;